Ciao, io sono il mirtillo selvatico fresco, con una punta di acidità che sa di rugiada. Ed io sono la pera dolce, che accoglie la mitezza della campagna. Ci incontriamo per dare vita alla deliziosa linea Finest Fruits, in cui l’effervescenza del bosco si miscela alla tranquillità dei prati colmi di filari. L’effetto è squisito. Garantito.
Le composte Finest Fruits di Alpe Pragas contengono frutta al 100% e gli unici zuccheri presenti sono quelli che la frutta ha in natura.
Hi, I am the fresh wild blueberry, with a hint of acidity that tastes like dew. And I am the sweet pear, who welcomes the humbleness of the countryside. We meet to give life to the delicious line Finest Fruits, in which the effervescence of the forest blends with the tranquility of the meadows full of rows. The effect is exquisite. Guaranteed.
The compotes Finest Fruits of Alpe Pragas contain 100% fruit and the only sugars present are those that fruit has in nature.
6 in stock
Trentino Alto Adige
6 in stock
Trentino Alto Adige
Trentino Alto Adige
Since 1997 Alpe Pragas has stood for quality, naturalness and sustainability in fruit processing. The company has always been involved in processing first choice fruit from local cultivations and to create exclusive products of the highest quality.
Stefan Gruber, the founder, has been carrying on this story of love and innovation for more than twenty years, with a vision: to make Alpe Pragas an eco-sustainable company. Eliminate, therefore, by 2027, all CO2 emissions.
The Dolomites, Lake Braies, the beauty of a land that farmers have shaped with their own hands. A natural charm. Alpe Pragas recognizes the value of nature and appreciates its gifts. In the fields all around, grow plants cultivated with so much care and love. The fresh mountain air ensures that the ripening takes place slowly and protects the plants from any diseases. The fruit is carefully picked, washed and selected strictly by hand. To obtain an excellent final product it is essential to use only high-quality fruit.
The Dolomites, Lake Braies, the beauty of a land that farmers have shaped with their own hands. A natural charm. Alpe Pragas recognizes the value of nature and appreciates its gifts. In the fields all around, grow plants cultivated with so much care and love. The fresh mountain air ensures that the ripening takes place slowly and protects the plants from any diseases. The fruit is carefully picked, washed and selected strictly by hand. To obtain an excellent final product it is essential to use only high-quality fruit.
Alpe Pragas only offers products with a high content of fruit and no artificial additives, so no preservatives, no dyes and no artificial flavours !
Time is a key factor for quality products. Because only when the fruits are given the right time to ripen, they develop their full flavor.